Menziarahi M. Ramayah

Baru-baru ini, Legasi Lagenda menziarahi legenda golf negara M. Ramayah di Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz (HCTM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM). Beliau kini menjalani rawatan untuk kanser.

Semasa lawatan kami, ada beberapa rakan beliau yang turut melawat beliau dan memberi kata-kata semangat. Kami juga sempat bertemu dengan adik M. Ramayah, Ganeson dan adik ipar beliau, Ramasamy. Terharu melihat mereka menyantuni jaguh golf negara yang terlantar di katil dengan penuh kasih sayang.

Harapan kami agar M. Ramayah, pemain No. 1 Malaysia selama 21 tahun dari 1976 hingga 1997 yang telah mewakili negara sebanyak 13 kali di Piala Dunia, tabah dan cekal menghadapi dugaan ini.

Semoga cepat sembuh, M. Ramayah.

Klik link untuk paparan kami tentang M. Ramayah yang terdahulu:



Legasi Lagenda recently visited national golf legend M. Ramayah at Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz (HCTM) Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), where he is currently undergoing treatment for cancer.

During our visit, we saw friends of his who were also there to visit and share some words of encouragement. We also met M. Ramayah’s younger brother, Ganeson and his brother-in-law, Ramasamy. It was very touching to see them by the country’s golf champion side, who was bedridden, and treating him with much love and care.

Our hope is that M. Ramayah, Malaysia’s number one player for 21 years from 1976 to 1997 and who represented the country 13 times at the World Cup, remains strong as he perseveres through his health challenges.

We hope you get well soon, M. Ramayah.

Click the link above for our previous posting on him.

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