Semoga cepat sembuh, Robert Choe

Legasi Lagenda baru menerima khabar bahawa legenda bola sepak negara sekitar era 1950-60an, Robert Choe, tidak beberapa sihat. Kami telah menghubungi isteri beliau, Alice Choe, yang memberitahu kami bahwa Robert dibawa ke hospital akibat kekurangan tenaga dan tidak berselera makan. Mereka dibantu dan ditemani oleh bekas pemain kebangsaan era 1970-an, Wong Kuw Fou.

Robert yang kini berusia 84 tahun masih ingat lagi masa beliau bermain dengan Malaya. Beliau merupakan anggota pasukan kebangsaan yang telah memenangi Pestabola Merdeka tiga kali berturut-turut dari 1958-60.

Robert juga telah memenangi pingat gangsa di Sukan Asia 1962. Sebagai seorang penyerang yang digeruni, beliau terkenal dengan jaringan gol melalui ‘bicycle kick’ dan tandukan. Beliau bersara daripada bola sepak pada tahun 1966, selepas Sukan Asia ke-5 yang menjadi kejohanan akhirnya.

Seperti yang kami sampaikan kepada isterinya, Alice, kami ingin ucapkan salam dan kata-kata motivasi untuk menaikkan semangat Robert. Kami berharap agar Robert diberi kekuatan dan kesembuhan.

Legenda bola sepak Malaysia seperti Robert Choe tidak boleh dilupakan. Semasa kami menziarahi beliau bersama Wong Kuw Fou pada tahun 2023, beliau sangat terharu dengan kedatangan kami dan mahu berkongsi kisah-kisah dari zaman bermain bola sepak seperti lawatan Eropah bersama legenda Abdul Ghani Minhat.

Legasi Lagenda akan terus berkongsi dan meraikan kejayaan legenda-legenda sukan seperti Robert dengan pengikut sosial media kami.


Get well soon, Robert Choe.

Legasi Lagenda recently received news that national football legend of the 1950-60s, Robert Choe, has not been feeling well lately. We contacted his wife, Alice Choe, who told us that Robert was taken to hospital due to low energy and lack of appetite. They were assisted and accompanied by ex-national player of the 1970s, Wong Kuw Fou.

Now, 84 years old, Robert still remembers fondly of his days playing with Malaya. He was part of the national team who won the Merdeka Tournament three times in a row from 1958-60.

He has also won a bronze medal at the 1962 Asian Games. An intimidating striker, Robert was famous for scoring goals through bicycle kicks and headers. He retired from playing football in 1966, with the 5th Asian Games as his last tournament.

Just as what we told his wife, Alice, we would like to send him our well wishes and words of encouragement in hopes to lift his spirits. We very much hope that he gets well soon.

Football legends such as Robert Choe should never be forgotten. He was very moved when our team visited him along with Wong Kuw Fou in 2023 and was eager to share stories from his football days such as touring Europe with fellow legend, Abdul Ghani Minhat.

We hope to continue to share and celebrate the stories and successes of national football legends such as Robert with Legasi Lagenda’s followers.

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