Piala Sultan Azlan Shah 2022: Malaysia 3 – 2 Korea Selatan
Syabas Speedy Tigers!
Pasukan hoki negara melakar sejarah apabila muncul juara Piala Sultan Azlan Shah 2022 buat julung kalinya.
Kemenangan 3—2 ke atas juara bertahan, Korea Selatan pada perlawanan akhir menyaksikan Speedy Tigers menamatkan penantian 39 tahun untuk menjulang piala kejohanan yang dipertandingkan sejak 1983.
Ribuan penonton yang memenuhi setiap ruang stadium berpesta dengan kecemerlangan anak didik jurulatih A. Arul Selvaraj.
Kami paparkan aksi perlawanan yang dirakam di Stadium Sultan Azlan Shah pada 10 Nov 2022.
Congratulations to the Speedy Tigers!
The national hockey team made history when they emerged as champions of the 2022 Sultan Azlan Shah Cup for the first time.
A 3-2 victory over defending champions South Korea in the final saw the Speedy Tigers end their 39-year wait to lift the championship trophy that has been contested since 1983.
Thousands of spectators who filled the stadium celebrated the excellent performance of the players under coach A. Arul Selvaraj.
Here is some of the action we recorded at the Sultan Azlan Shah Stadium on 10 Nov 2022.