#ArkibLegasiLagenda – Malaysia di FIFA News Oktober 1971
Stop the press!
Harimau Malaya terpapar di muka depan FIFA NEWS!
Pasukan bola sepak negara menggemparkan pemerhati bola sepak seluruh dunia apabila mereka berjaya melayakkan diri ke Sukan Olimpik Munich 1972.
Berita kejayaan bergaya skuad bimbingan Dave MacLaren diberi penghormatan muka depan FIFA NEWS keluaran Oktober 1971.
Dalam perjalanan ke Munich, pasukan kebangsaan memenangi kesemua perlawanan tanpa bolos sebarang gol. Malaysia layak ke Sukan Olimpik buat pertama kali setelah mengalahkan pemenang pingat gangsa Sukan Olimpik 1968, Jepun, 3–0, Korea Selatan 1–0, China National (Chinese Taipei) 3–0 dan Filipina 5–0 pada Kejohanan Pra-Olimpik Asia Kumpulan 1 di Seoul, Korea Selatan.
(FIFA NEWS Oktober 1971 berada dalam simpanan arkib Legasi Lagenda)

#ArkibLegasiLagenda – Malaysia di FIFA News Oktober 1971
Stop the Press!
Harimau Malaya featured on the front page of FIFA News!
The national football team shocked football fans worldwide when they qualified for the 1972 Munich Olympic Games.
The success of the squad under Dave MacLaren was honoured with a cover spread for the October 1971 issue of FIFA News.
On their way to Munich, the national team won all matches without conceding a single goal. Malaysia qualified for the first time after defeating 1968 Olympic bronze medalists Japan 3-0, South Korea 1-0, China National (Chinese Taipei) 3-0, and the Philippines 5-0 in the Asian Men’s Qualification Group 1 in Seoul, South Korea.
(This edition of FIFA News is part of Legasi Lagenda’s archive)