Diplomat Negara – Mana satu beg saya?
Foto menunjukkan sebahagian daripada skuad Harimau Malaya sedang mengenal pasti bagasi masing-masing setelah tiba di lapangan terbang destinasi kejohanan. Kali ini mereka di Bangkok untuk berentap di kejohanan Piala Raja Thai 1973/74.
Pada ketika itu, mereka yang bertaraf amatur berkesempatan untuk ke luar negara apabila berjaya mendapat tempat mewakili negara. Mereka sedar dengan gaji pekerjaan yang tidak seberapa seketika itu, bola sepak memberi mereka peluang untuk melihat kota-kota luar negara seperti Munich, Teheran, Seoul, Tokyo, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh dan banyak lagi.
Pada waktu yang sama, mereka akur akan tanggungjawab besar menggalas nama Malaysia. Seperti yang dikatakan oleh legenda Dato’ Shukor Salleh, “Semangat kenegaraan itu tinggi. Kita membawa nama Malaysia ke luar negara, kita macam diplomat.”
Anda kenal siapa di dalam foto?
Semoga kegigihan, dedikasi, pengorbanan dan kejayaan mereka menjadi teladan dan inspirasi kepada generasi muda dan mendatang untuk melonjakkan prestasi mereka sendiri.
National Diplomats – Which is my bag?
The photo above / below shows a few members of the Harimau Malaya squad trying to identify their luggage after arriving at the airport of their next tournament’s destination. This time they were in Bangkok to compete in the 1973 Thai King’s Cup.
As amateur players at the time, they were able to go abroad if they succeeded in landing a spot in representing their country. Realising that their day job’s salary were not as fruitful, football gave them this opportunity to see foreign cities such as Munich, Tehran, Seoul, Tokyo, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh and many more.
At the same time, these players accepted the great responsibility of bearing Malaysia’s name. As said by national football legend, Dato’ Shukor Salleh, “Patriotism was high. We were bringing Malaysia’s name abroad; we were like diplomats.”
Their persistence, dedication, sacrifices and successes would be great examples as inspiration for the young and future generations to soar in their own fields.
Do you recognise the players in this photo?